
Monday, 5 December 2011

Cures for Stress BOOK

Many of the entries from Cures for Stress have been compiled into a full-blown book and eBook.  You can find it on Amazon.  It is an edited edition of the blogs and I’ve added a section called Practical Helps for Stress. The Cures for Stress blog and now in book format has been written to help people who struggle with stress issues, and more important;y, to point others to the way of salvation (which is also included in the book).  I have used the Internet platform to reach as many people as possible, and so far, have reached almost 400 readers from several different countries.  As one of those readers, I thank you very much for stopping by and taking the time to read!

If you have been following this blog and you think it might be helpful for others to read (who may only read eBooks and not bother with blogs as much), you would play a huge role in getting the book noticed by taking a moment to write a review of the book.  You don't even need to purchase the book!  How?  Just go to Amazon where Cures for Stress is listed. Scroll down the page and click on Customer Reviews where you can write a review based on the blogs you’ve been reading (most of which are in the book). You can also tag it to help more people find the right category for it (click on Tag this product).    

Amazon keeps a record of all the reviews it receives.  The more reviews it receives, the higher it will go on the most-read book list and it will move up on the reader scale as one of the more popular books.  It will also make it easier for people to find it without wading through a lot of other books about stress. 

NOTE:  If you do not yet own a Kindle book reader, you can now download the reader for free on Amazon.  In addition to your PC or Apple, you can download it onto your mobile phone as well. 

Also, if you would like to purchase the book, it is only $5.99.  If you would like to see a list of other eBooks I have published on Amazon, just type in my author name Linda McBurney-Gunhouse, and the other books available in the Kindle Store will appear (at greatly reduced prices to the printed copy!!).  If you decide to purchase any of these, you could also review them and this would be a tremendous help to us in our ministry of offering inexpensive inspirational books.  All of my other eBooks are also listed on our web page and linked to Amazon.

Thank you so much in advance for your help and may God Abundantly Bless You!